Rated: R
Stars: Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, Rose Byrne, Chris O'Dowd, Melissa McCarthy
Director: Paul Feig
Genre: Comedy
There's no denying that the movie is bust-a-gut funny. The opening grabs you right off the bat, (think Kama-Sutra) and it's a wild ride from there on out. But some of the scenes play like over the top sketches from Saturday Night Live, where two of the film's stars-- Kristen Wiig (also the co-writer) and Maya Rudolph--cut their chops. The trouble with that is that from a believability standpoint, these movies are like musicals, where people are talking and going about their mundane lives--when suddenly an unseen orchestra starts playing and the characters break into song in the middle of some smelly garbage dump. Then everything reverts back to normal and we're not supposed to notice that something implausible has just occurred. Beneath it all, though, there's a sweet little story about feelings of inadequacy, jealousy, and the true nature of friendship.
Annie (Kristen Wiig) and Lillian (Maya Rudolph) are best friends from way back. Lillian announces that she's getting married and wants Annie to be her maid of honor. But subsequent events bring out the worst in Annie. She's in a superficial sex-buddy relationship with this superficial dude (Jon Hamm) who, as they're lying there in bed, says stuff like, "I want you to leave but I don't know how to say it without sounding like a dick."
So maybe, underneath her outward expression of joy for Lillian, Annie is jealous of what her friend has. That jealousy rears its head in a bigtime rivalry (and spoof on the stereotypical cattiness of women) with Helen, (Rose Bryne) the groom's wealthy sister who is financing the lavish wedding and all its preparations. Annie is incensed that Helen is trying to claim best friend status with Lillian, and each tries to one up the other in a scene where they are mouthing platitudes to the lucky couple into a microphone...on and on and on...because each of them wants to have the last word. This scene (unlike most of the movie, thankfully) leaves one cringing and feeling embarrassed for both of them.
Annie reveals herself as mentally unstable when she gets boozed up and goes berserk on a plane flight, and gets hauled in by the authorities after an unscheduled landing, in what is the funniest scene in the film. But the next shot shows her driving down the highway, apparently turned loose with just a slap on the wrist for behavior that, in the real world, would get anyone in BIG time trouble. Reminds me a little of Sandra Bullock's character in All About Steve, who is obsessed with this news reporter and stalks him all over the country...and in the end we're supposed to believe she's not a psychopath--just misunderstood.
I guess I'd be remiss if I didn't describe some of the gross-out stuff, so you can decide for yourself if Bridesmaids is for you: The entourage of gals who will be maids at the wedding get struck by some apparent food poisoning. While one of them hangs her head over the toilet, another hops butt first onto the sink to gain some relief. Another gal rushes in and barfs on the hair of the one who is stationed over the toilet. Lillian runs out of a shop, desperately trying to find an unoccupied rest room. She doesn't make it, and has to take a dump right in the middle of the street--in the expensive wedding gown she was trying on.
Bridesmaids also disturbingly reminds a practical-minded guy like myself of how delusional people are--spending obscene amounts of money on an event which last for a few hours--as if they've accomplished something, when they haven't proven anything to the world yet about making it work over the long haul. Stay together for a couple years, THEN have a big celebration.
You've earned it.
GRADE : B (I'd be a traitor to my gender if I rated a chick flick any higher!)
I saw this tonight and I'd also give it a B. I adore most of the cast but particularly Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Chris O'Dowd and Jon Ham (who, even though he plays a MONUMENTAL arsehole, was very funny). And I absolutely agree that the plane scene is the funniest of the lot (I aslo enjoyed the 'Cookie' scene) but I don't think Annie was jealous of Lillian for getting married. Granted, there was a spark right in the beginning but I thought her problem was Helen muscling in on the Best Friend gig...and wasn't she the boss's wife?
ReplyDeleteAnyhoo, I had a great time with this.
ReplyDeleteWow...looks like you enjoy gross out--I'll just have to go see more of these disgustingly funny
(or funnily disgusting) movies for your sake!
Hi Tim,
ReplyDeleteI don't class this as a gross-out...because I don't like gross out. There's the one scene with food poisoning but that's about it. The other Apatow films are WAY worse than this...I think the big fuss comes because most of the cast are women and they're using blue language and topics that we only usually hear out of the mouths of The Boys. It's like some people have only just realised that chicks fart! ;)
ReplyDeleteWhat's that...you say chicks FART? Oh, man--that blows me away!
Tim, I loved your review. I laughed so hard through this movie...twice and will watch it again when I need a good laugh.....I now use the line "Help me, I'm poor" all the time.......that gal can sure ACT.Yes, not fully believable, but soooo funny.
ReplyDeleteIf you want even more laughs, see Horrible Bosses!